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At Aquinas Institute, your education extends far beyond our classrooms. Our mission is to create a community of scholars and a place of dialogue. You will find not only a rigorous school of theology but also an authentic faith community thriving here at Aquinas Institute. 

Our Faith Community

Be a part of our truly diverse faith community and academic village.

St Louis: The Gateway to the West

From great schools, iconic structures and beautiful architecture to historic metro areas and family-friendly communities, people are moving to St. Louis and loving every part of it

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Grow together with us as a preacher of the Good News

Visit St. Dominic Priory

Our prayer and community life is integrally linked with St. Dominic Priory, a religious community of men of the Dominican Order. 

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Aquinas Institute is a busy place. We offer a wide variety of events that contribute to our theological study and enhance the lively dialogue at our institute. To stay up to date on these events and other Aquinas news sign up for The Aquinas Weekly, our online newsletter. 

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Aquinas Institute Snapshot


We are a center for institutional studies for the Order of Preachers. At the same time, and as a central component to the formation of our Dominicans in formation, we are committed to educating the future lay leaders of our church as one mission. 


Aquinas Institute offers 8 degree programs at the graduate level, the only Doctor of Ministry in Preaching at Catholic school, as well as three graduate certificate programs. 


As a Catholic graduate school of theology, Aquinas Institute carries forward an 800 year tradition of the Order of Preachers. 


Fully Funded Aquinas Scholarships available for full-time students in our M.A. Theology, M.A. Pastoral Studies, and Master of Divinity Programs.


Situated adjacent to the large and beautiful campus of Saint Louis University, our students have access to all the academic resources of a major Catholic university while studying with the Dominicans in their House of Studies. 


For over 95 years Aquinas Institute has been educating Church leaders in the tradition of St Thomas Aquinas.

Not just a school of Theology, but a truly dynamic faith community.