PhD, University of Notre Dame
MTS, University of Notre Dame
MA, Franciscan University of Steubenville
BA, Franciscan University of Steubenville
Dr. Abril specializes in contemporary Catholic theology, Christian Anthropology, Christology, and US Latino/a theology.
Selected Courses
- Introduction to Theology and Theological Method
- Christology
- Doctrine of God
- Christian Anthropology
Selected Publications
Evolutionary Theology: A Critical Introduction. Minneapolis: Fortress, 2024.
"Apocalypse at Tepeyac" in New Frontiers in Guadalupan Studies, edited by Virgilio Elizondo and Timothy Matovina (Eugene Oregon: Pickwick Publications, 2014)
"Lamentations 5:21 within the Development of Thomas Aquinas' Theology of the Grace of Conversion," International Journal of Systematic Theology 16, no. 3 (2014) 251-272.
"Catholicism," in Oxford Bibliographies Online: Latino Studies. Co-authored with Timothy Matovina.
"Gertrude of Helfta's Liturgical-Mystical Union," Cistercian Studies Quarterly 43, no.1 (2008) 77-96.
"'Heaven and earth conspire': Grace and Nature in Sor Juana's The Divine Narcissus." Horizons 46, no.2 (2019): 296-322