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Fr. Gregory Heille, OP, DMin


DMin (Preaching), Western Theological Seminary
MDiv, Aquinas Institute of Theology
MA (Liturgy), Aquinas Institute of Theology
BA (Mathematics), St. John's University


Fr. Heille is a Dominican Friar of the Province of St. Albert the Great USA and a Professor of Preaching and Evangelization at Aquinas Institute of Theology. At Aquinas, he directs the Doctor of Ministry in Preaching. Fr. Heille also serves as an animator of the global Dominican Preaching Network.  Fr. Heille specializes in theology of preaching, homiletic pedagogy, evangelization of culture, and racial equity education.

Selected Courses
  • Preaching and Racism: Finding Our Way Forward
  • Preaching the Kerygma
  • DMin Theology of Preaching
  • DMin Core Homiletic Seminar
  • DMin Core Homiletic Research Seminar