Faculty Profiles
Michael Anthony Abril, PhD
Assistant Professor of Systematic Theology
Areas of Expertise:
Christian Anthropology
Latiné (Latin American) Theology
Nathan Chase, PhD
Assistant Professor of Liturgical and Sacramental Theology
Areas of Expertise:
Ecumenical Dialogue
Liturgical History
Stewart Clem, PhD
Associate Professor of Moral Theology, Sr. Maureen McGuire Chair for Health Care Ministry, Director of AOR Center
Areas of Expertise:
Moral and Ethical Issues
Religion and Politics
Health Care Ethics
Fr. Vincent Dávila, OP, PhD
Assistant Professor of Systematic Theology
Areas of Expertise:
Trinitarian Theology
Ann Garrido, DMin
Associate Professor of Homiletics
Areas of Expertise:
Ministerial Administration
Fr. Gregory Heille, OP, DMin
Professor of Preaching and Evangelization
Areas of Expertise:
Evangelization of Culture
Racial Equity Education
Fr. Michael Mascari, OP, PhD
Vice President and Academic Dean
Areas of Expertise:
Patristic Theology
Thomistic Thought
Brian Matz, PhD, STD
Professor of Historical Theology and
Associate Dean for Academic and Administrative Assessment
Areas of Expertise:
Church History/Historical Theology
Patristic and Medieval Studies
History of Christian Social Ethics
Fr. Eric Wagner, CR, PhD
Assistant Professor for Old and New Testaments
Areas of Expertise:
Old Testament/Hebrew Bible
Catholic Biblical Interpretation
Ancient Near East Studies
Fr. Mark Wedig, OP, PhD
Areas of Expertise:
Hermeneutics of the Visual Arts
Sacramental and Liturgical Studies
Carolyn Wright, DMin
Assistant Professor of Pastoral Theology
Areas of Expertise:
Christian Spirituality
Pastoral Ministry