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Dual Master of Arts in Theology and Master of Divinity

Program Overview

The dual Master of Arts in Theology (MA) and Master of Divinity (MDiv) at Aquinas Institute of Theology maintains the distinctive character and orientation of both the MA and MDiv degrees, while simultaneously allowing for greater integration of the research or professional elements of each. The dual degree requires an additional 18 credit hours of elective coursework (beyond the 81 required credit hours for the MDiv), a comprehensive examination, proficiency in a foreign language, and a Master’s thesis. 

The dual MA/MDiv offers students the unique opportunity for preaching by studying theology with our Dominican brothers and other members of the Dominican family.  Additionally, a number of supervised ministry experiences allows students to explore a wide variety of future ministries. These field opportunities provide students with concrete skills and experience, further preparing them for future service to the Church through academic work or pastoral ministry.

Program Details