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Erica Laethem, BeL, HEC-C

AOR Faculty


BeL, (Licentiate of Bioethics) Pontifical Athenaeum Regina Apostolorum, Rome

BA, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor


Professor Laethem has worked as a healthcare ethicist since 2008 in a diverse array of settings – urban, suburban, rural, inpatient, home care, academic, and corporate.  She currently serves as a regional director of ethics for OSF HealthCare and teaches nursing ethics in the graduate program at OSF Saint Anthony College of Nursing and medical ethics at the University of Illinois College of Medicine.  Professor Laethem is a certified healthcare ethics consultant through the American Society for Bioethics and Humanities with a range of research interests related to clinical, organizational, and professional ethics. 

Selected Courses

Organizational Competency for Health Care Mission

Selected Publications 

Kirschner, Kristi; Gramelspacher, Anna Maria; Laethem, Erica; Halpern, Jodi (2021): Aging, End of Life & Narrative Ethics Teaching Guide. University of Illinois at Chicago. Educational resource. National Endowment for the Humanities: Humanities Initiatives for Hispanic-Serving Institutions grant (AC-258909-18), Principal Investigator: Sandy Sufian. .

Erica Laethem, “Education of Medical Staff and Associates,” in Catholic Health Care Ethics: A Manual for Practitioners, 3rd ed. (Philadelphia: National Catholic Bioethics Center), 2020.

Erica Laethem, “Moral Evaluation of Risk-Reducing Salpingectomy and Risk-Reducing Salpingo-Oopherectomy: Response to Case Study,” in Catholic Health Care Ethics USA 23, no. 1 (Winter 2015).

Erica Laethem, “Why Bother with Bioethics?” in Coors et al., A Catholic Bioethics Reader (Philadelphia: National Catholic Bioethics Center, 2015), 1-22.

International Association of Catholic Bioethicists, “The Use of Sedatives in Patients Who are Seriously Ill or Dying: Ethical Distinctions and Practical Recommendations,” National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 12, no. 3 (Autumn 2012).