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Charles Bouchard, OP, STD




S.T.D. The Catholic University of America

MA/MDiv Aquinas Institute of Theology

BA, St. John’s University, Collegeville


Fr. Bouchard served as professor of moral theology from 1986 to 2008 and also as President from 1992 to 2008 at Aquinas Institute of Theology.  His original area of specialization was fundamental moral theology, but he also taught sexual morality and Catholic social teaching.

He was Vice President for Theological Education at Ascension Health, Provincial of the Province of St. Albert the Great, and now serves as Senior Director of Theology and Sponsorship at The Catholic Health Association of the United States.

His areas of interest have shifted toward ecclesiology and Catholic health care, especially sponsorship, as well as clinical, ethical and public policy issues for transgender persons.


Sponsors and the Crisis in Long-Term Care: Is This a 'Man from Macedonia' Moment?” (with Alec Arnold). Health Progress, Winter 2021.

“Sponsors are Called to be Prophets and Reformers.” Health Progress May-June 2019.

“Health Care Coverage and the Common Good” Health Progress (January-February 2019).

“Making Ministry Whole: How New Juridic Persons are Transforming the Church. Commonweal (November 7, 2019).

“Do the Trump Tradeoffs Jeopardize Fundamental Aspects of our Faith?” NCROnline (June 9, 2020).