Theological Study in the Dominican Tradition
At Aquinas Institute of Theology, we are proud that our school bears the name of the great Dominican saint and doctor of the Church, St. Thomas Aquinas. Our students are the beneficiaries of a vibrant Dominican intellectual heritage extending back 800 years. We serve two distinct, complementary constituencies: Dominican student brothers studying for ordination and ministry, as well as priests, vowed religious, and lay men and women preparing for ministries in service to the Church.
Physically located in the middle of the country, our theological mission finds its home in the middle as well, as we strive to follow in the footsteps of our founder, St. Dominic, who intentionally centered himself in the study of the Word of God and placed himself in the middle of the church so as to reach out in all directions. At the heart of each program is the unique Dominican approach to study, with its primary purpose the pursuit of Veritas, or Truth, whom we recognize in the One who is Truth himself, Our Lord Jesus Christ.