Educational Effectiveness
Aquinas Institute of Theology measures its educational effectiveness by evaluating degree program outcomes through a course-embedded assessment process for all of its academic programs. Educational effectiveness in all programs also is assessed in terms of average time of completion for graduation.
Degree Program Outcomes (DPOs)
- Master of Arts in Theology (MA)
- Master of Arts in Pastoral Studies (MAPS)
- Master of Divinity (MDiv)
- Master of Arts in Pastoral Theology with a Specialization in Health Care Mission (MAPT)
- Master of Arts in Pastoral Studies - Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (MAPS-CGS)
- Doctor of Ministry in Preaching (DMin)
Master of Arts in Theology (MA)
Communicate accurately, effectively, and systematically the theological tradition of the Roman Catholic Church so as to preach, teach, write, or provide a leadership of service to others in response to present-day needs and concerns.
Course Designated to Measure DPO 1: Church History I or II
Analyze, assess, and articulate a wide range of theological positions and texts - past and present - in order to express Christian and Dominican tradition in a way that is faithful to its foundations and sensitive to the concerns of the present day.
Courses Designated to Measure DPO 2: Introduction to Theology and Biblical Interpretation
Evaluate and assess present-day and historical situations, concerns, struggles, and debates in light of the broader Christian tradition in order to enter into important contemporary conversations - via research, writing, teaching, preaching, and/or pastoral ministry - in a way that is sensitive toward people of other contexts, including but not limited to other cultures, perspectives, denominations, religions, or political views.
Courses Designated to Measure DPO 3: Proseminar and Christology
Engage in theological dialogue with others in a professional, constructive manner through collaborative work with peers; through detailed, open, and inclusive research of a broad range of scholarly sources; and through professional-grade writing and publication.
Course Designated to Measure DPO 4: Foundations of Catholic Morality
Critically integrate, evaluate, and build upon a broad range of perspectives, concepts, and/or theological/philosophical frameworks for teaching, research, study, prayer, and/or ministry, demonstrating the ability to apply theological learning to practical problems, questions, and challenges.
Program Requirement Designated to Measure DPO 5: MA Thesis
Master of Arts in Pastoral Studies (MAPS)
Communicate accurately, effectively, and systematically the theological tradition and the pastoral practice of the Roman Catholic Church so as to preach, teach, write, or provide a leadership of service to others in response to present-day needs and concerns.
Courses Designated to Measure DPO 1: Ecclesiology and Church History I or II
Analyze, assess, and articulate a wide range of theological positions and texts - past and present - in order to express Christian and Dominican tradition in a way that is faithful to its foundations and sensitive to the concerns of the present day.
Courses Designated to Measure DPO 2: Introduction to Theology and Biblical Interpretation
Evaluate and assess present-day and historical situations, concerns, struggles, and debates in light of the broader Christian tradition in order to enter into important contemporary conversations - via research, writing, teaching, preaching, and/or pastoral ministry - in a way that is sensitive toward people of other contexts, including but not limited to other cultures, perspectives, denominations, religions, or political views.
Courses Designated to Measure DPO 3: Proseminar and Christology
Engage in theological dialogue with others in a professional, constructive manner through collaborative work with peers; through detailed, open, and inclusive research of a broad range of scholarly sources; and through professional-grade writing and publication.
Courses Designated to Measure DPO 4: Theology of Worship and Foundations of Catholic Morality
Critically integrate, evaluate, and build upon a broad range of perspectives, concepts, and/or theological/philosophical frameworks for teaching, research, study, prayer, and/or ministry, demonstrating the ability to apply theological learning to practical problems, questions, and challenges.
Course Designated to Measure DPO 5: Foundations of Pastoral and Ethical Care
Provide competent pastoral service and/or leadership to individuals and communities to respond collaboratively to practical problems, questions, and challenges through an integrated knowledge of theology and a process of reflection on current concerns.
Courses Designated to Measure DPO 6: Supervised Practice of Ministry I & II
Master of Divinity (MDiv)
Communicate accurately, effectively, and systematically the theological tradition and the pastoral practice of the Roman Catholic Church so as to preach, teach, write, or provide a leadership of service to others in response to present-day needs and concerns.
Courses Designated to Measure DPO 1: Ecclesiology and Church History I or II
Analyze, assess, and articulate a wide range of theological positions and texts - past and present - in order to express Christian and Dominican tradition in a way that is faithful to its foundations and sensitive to the concerns of the present day.
Courses Designated to Measure DPO 2: Introduction to Theology and Biblical Interpretation
Evaluate and assess present-day and historical situations, concerns, struggles, and debates in light of the broader Christian tradition in order to enter into important contemporary conversations - via research, writing, teaching, preaching, and/or pastoral ministry - in a way that is sensitive toward people of other contexts, including but not limited to other cultures, perspectives, denominations, religions, or political views.
Courses Designated to Measure DPO 3: Proseminar and Christology
Engage in theological dialogue with others in a professional, constructive manner through collaborative work with peers; through detailed, open, and inclusive research of a broad range of scholarly sources; and through professional-grade writing and publication.
Courses Designated to Measure DPO 4: Theology of Worship and Foundations of Catholic Morality
Critically integrate, evaluate, and build upon a broad range of perspectives, concepts, and/or theological/philosophical frameworks for teaching, research, study, prayer, and/or ministry, demonstrating the ability to apply theological learning to practical problems, questions, and challenges.
Course Designated to Measure DPO 5: Foundations of Pastoral and Ethical Care
Provide competent pastoral service and/or leadership to individuals and communities to respond collaboratively to practical problems, questions, and challenges through an integrated knowledge of theology and a process of reflection on current concerns.
Courses Designated to Measure DPO 6: Supervised Practice of Ministry I & II and Pastoral Year
Demonstrate a commitment to pursuing the Truth of Jesus Christ as embraced in the Order of Preachers by preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ with the Church and for the world.
Courses Designated to Measure DPO 7: Foundations of Preaching I & II
Master of Arts in Pastoral Theology with a Specialization in Health Care Mission (MAPT)
Communicate accurately, effectively, and systematically the theological tradition of the Roman Catholic Church so as to preach, teach, write, or provide a leadership of service to others in response to present-day needs and concerns.
Courses Designated to Measure DPO 1: Church History I & II
Analyze, assess, and articulate a wide range of theological positions and texts - past and present - in order to express Christian and Dominican tradition in a way that is faithful to its foundations and sensitive to the concerns of the present day.
Course Designated to Measure DPO 2: Contemporary Issues in Health Care Ethics
Evaluate and assess present-day and historical situations, concerns, struggles, and debates in light of the broader Christian tradition in order to enter into important contemporary conversations - via research, writing, teaching, preaching, and/or pastoral ministry - in a way that is sensitive toward people of other contexts, including but not limited to other cultures, perspectives, denominations, religions, or political views.
Course Designated to Measure DPO 3: Christology
Engage in theological dialogue with others in a professional, constructive manner through collaborative work with peers; through detailed, open, and inclusive research of a broad range of scholarly sources; and through professional-grade writing and publication.
Course Designated to Measure DPO 4: Foundations of Catholic Morality
Critically integrate, evaluate, and build upon a broad range of perspectives, concepts, and/or theological/philosophical frameworks for teaching, research, study, prayer, and/or ministry, demonstrating the ability to apply theological learning to practical problems, questions, and challenges.
Program Requirement Designated to Measure DPO 5: MAPT-HCM Integrative Paper
Integrate Catholic theology - including ecclesiology, moral theology, and biblical theology - within a health care organization in a manner that displays organizational competency, sensitivity to pluralistic contexts, and (especially) promotion of Catholic identity and mission within the organization.
Courses Designated to Measure DPO 8: Formation for Health Care Mission Leaders I & II
Master of Arts in Pastoral Studies - Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (MAPS-CGS)
Communicate simply, accurately, and effectively the theological tradition of the Roman Catholic Church through the ministries of leadership, catechesis, pastoral care, and writing with particular attention to the spiritual insights of children.
Course Designated to Measure DPO 1: Introduction to Theology and Christology & Christian Anthropology
Analyze, assess, and articulate a wide range of magisterial and theological texts - with particular attention to the scriptural and liturgical traditions of the Church - in order to express the Christian and Dominican traditions in a way that is faithful to their foundations and sensitive to the concerns of the present day.
Courses Designated to Measure DPO 2: Theology of Worship and Christian Scriptures
Evaluate and assess present-day and historical situations, concerns, struggles, and debates in light of the broader Christian tradition in order to enter into important contemporary conversations and towards practical applications - via research, writing, teaching, preaching, pastoral ministry, and/or catechesis - in a way that is sensitive toward the child and people of other contexts, including but not limited to other cultures, perspectives, denominations, religions, or political views.
Courses Designated to Measure DPO 3: Foundations of Pastoral & Ethical Care and Contemporary Issues in Sacramental Theology
Engage in theological dialogue with others in a professional, constructive manner through the practice of collaborative ministry which honors the gifts of the community and the practice of critical, systematic theological refleciton.
Courses Designated to Measure DPO 4: Proseminar and Supervised Practice of Ministry
Analyze, access, address, and communicate the spiritual needs of the child accurately, effectively, and aligned with the theological and pedagogical approach of the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd.
Coursework Designated to Measure DPO 5: Level I Album Feedback and Level III Album Feedback
Demonstrate integrative growth in the areas of spiritual, human, intellectual, and pastoral development.
Courses Designated to Measure DPO 6: Integrative Seminar and Spiritual Formation VIII
Doctor of Ministry in Preaching (DMin)
DMin DPO 1
Personal and spiritual maturity, deepening one's sense of vocational calling and honing skills for self-directed learning and peer collaboration in service to the living Word of God
Curriculum Designated to Measure DPO 1: Theology of Preaching and Mid-Program Self-Assessment
DMin DPO 2
In-depth cultural competency, preaching the Gospel in ecclesial and cultural context through the integration of prayer, sound biblical hermeneutics and theology, astute attention to the listener, good use of religious imagery and storytelling, a clear call for an ethical response to the Gospel, liturgical sensitivity, and good communication skills
Curriculum Designated to Measure DPO 2: Core Homiletic Seminar and Core Homiletic Research Seminar
DMin DPO 3
Advanced theological integration, pursuing truth by engaging in the Church's homiletic tradition and its literature in dialogue with systematic and practical theology, biblical studies, church history, liturgy, and pertinent allied disciplines
Curriculum Designated to Measure DPO 3: Theology of Preaching, Biblical Hermeneutics & Preaching, History & Preaching, and Liturgy & Preaching
DMin DPO 4
Leadership capacity in the practice of preaching, addressing a particular problem or opportunity in the practice of preaching with a pastoral intervention and a written thesis project employing tools of qualitative or quantitative research and contributing new learning in service to the praxis of preaching in the Church
Curriculum Designated to Measure DPO 4: Final Thesis Proposal and Thesis Project
DPO Assessment
Aquinas Institute assesses DPOs by identifying specific courses that can suitably measure the various outcomes. The instructor provides the students with an assignment for this evaluation and prepares the appropriate rubrics. Upon completion of the assignment, the instructor will measure the assignment by means of the designated rubrics, using a 5-point scale (1-5). The instructor then submits to the Assessment Committee the score for each student's assignment and an aggregate score for the entire course.
Sample Rubric (Master's Program)
Course: Foundations of Pastoral and Ethical Care
Assignment: Paper on Theology of Suffering
DPO #5: Critically integrate, evaluate, and build upon a broad range of perspectives, concepts, and/or ministry, demonstrating the ability to apply theological learning to practical problems, questions, and challenges.
5. Excellent Achievement |
4. Good Achievement |
3. Adequate Achievement |
2. Less than Adequate |
1. Unsatisfactory |
Clearly articulate and discuss suffering from a variety (4-5) of theological and pastoral perspectives | Articulate and discuss suffering from a variety (2-3) of theological and pastoral perspectives | Discuss suffering from a limited (1-2) theological and pastoral perspective | Limited discussion on suffering from a theological and pastoral perspectives | No discussion of suffering from a theological and pastoral perspective |
Discuss 4-5 pastoral implications in relation to the above perspectives | Discuss 3-4 pastoral implications in relation to the above perspectives | Discuss 2-3 pastoral implications in relation to the above perspectives | Discuss 1-2 pastoral implications in relation to the above perspectives | No discussion of pastoral implications in relation to the above perspectives |
Provide 3-4 examples of helpful ways to provide pastoral care based on one's ministerial setting to those who are dealing with life's difficulties | Provide 2-3 examples of helpful ways to provide pastoral care based on one's ministerial setting to those who are dealing with life's difficulties | Provide 1-2 examples of helpful ways to provide pastoral care based on one's ministerial setting to those who are dealing with life's difficulties | Prove 0-1 example of helpful ways to provide pastoral care based on one's ministerial setting to those who are dealing with life's difficulties | Provide no example or (no discussion) of helpful ways to provide pastoral care based on one's ministerial setting to those who are dealing with life's difficulties |
Student Name | Rubric 1 Score | Rubric 2 Score | Rubric 3 Score | Average |
Student 1 | 4 | 5 | 5 | 4.7 |
Student 2 | 5 | 4 | 4 | 4.3 |
Student 3 | 5 | 3 | 4 | 4.0 |
Student 4 | 5 | 4 | 5 | 4.7 |
Student 5 | 3 | 4 | 3 | 3.3 |
Course Average | 4.2 |
Sample Rubric (Doctoral Program)
Course: Theology of Preaching
Assignment: Operative Theology of Preaching Term Paper
DPO #3: Advanced theological integration, pursuing truth by engaging the Church's homiletic tradition and its literature in dialogue with systematic and practical theology, biblical studies, church history, liturgy, and pertinent allied disciplines.
5. Excellent Achievement |
4. Good Achievement |
3. Adequate Achievement |
2. Less than Adequate |
1. Unsatisfactory |
Demonstrates critical understanding of course readings in-class interactions and integrates multiples readings in the term paper with further reference to relevant theological sources beyond course readings | Demonstrates critical understanding of course readings in-class interactions and integrates multiple readings in the term paper | Demonstrates having done the reading with active engagement in-class interactions and some critical reference to readings in term paper | Limited participation in class interactions about readings and little reference to readings in term paper | Minimal evidence of reading in-class interactions and no minimal meaningful reference to readings in term paper |
Term paper demonstrates insight and the critical appropriation of theological concepts of the course in relation to lived preaching experience and with creative use of integrating image or metaphor | Term paper demonstrates insight and the critical appropriation of theological concepts of the assignment in relation to lived preaching experience | Paper demonstrates a foundational grasp of theological concepts of the course in terms of lived preaching experience | Paper misrepresents some of the theological concepts of the course or fails to apply these concepts to lived preaching experience | Paper does not engage with the theological concepts of the course or with lived preaching experience |
Student Name | Rubric 1 Score | Rubric 2 Score | Average |
Student 1 | 4 | 5 | 4.5 |
Student 2 | 5 | 4 | 4.5 |
Student 3 | 5 | 3 | 4.0 |
Student 4 | 4 | 4 | 4.0 |
Student 5 | 3 | 4 | 3.5 |
Course Average | 4.1 |